Notes on Blindness

What a remarkable piece by The New York Times! While somewhat lengthy, the story behind the visual really makes it one worth watching.

| In 1983, after years of deteriorating vision, the writer and theologian John Hull lost the last traces of light sensation. For the next three years, he kept a diary on audio-cassette of his interior world of blindness. This film is a dramatization that uses his original recordings.

Lately, I’ve been noticing that the NY Times have been doing a really solid job of bringing stories to life. It’s not just “news” as we know it, but they’re digging deeper and I really appreciate that as a viewer.  Here’s the story behind John Hull here.

| John description of blindness as “the borderland between dream and memory” informed our aesthetic approach, and much of the key imagery of the film is rooted in his testimony. Throughout the diaries John recounts vivid “technicolor” dreams, his “last state of visual consciousness,” which he compares to watching films. In particular, the water imagery that recurs in the film — visions of surging waves; of being dragged into the depths of the ocean — is derived from John’s account.